The life same as a board in the sea.we could control it when there are no any snow-storm.but when it come .we only waiting for god to help us.during the dark it are there will be no aim.we could not select the direction.only by wind.
there are more excellent in he or she. but more days late .we could found some opinion will be conflict .in that time .we only agree ourselves.and no the same aim.we will to go the different direction to seach each purpose.So. we could say diferent selection could make different result.we could not waiting for other one to help us to chose .since .it will no be yous.
Maybe ,some body believed that they could select they life is owner of themselves.e.g they could select a subject and to learn first then to search a job which more he interesting in it.that they could do in the areas where he or she more love it. i think this we could arrived it .but at the final ,maybe you will found if it is not suitable for that .we will change the job form one by one .and spend more time and money on it .the end we found that in fact we don't know which is more love one. it is more tired and hard for our life.this also could reflect to our live in the any seem to get a friends .at the first .we found we could make together with each other well .only by myself.same as friends /school/job/wife and a man. we could chose left or right when you make the decision.
Makesure.we could not control the others but myself.we could select which my enjoy or hate to to go where we want to .but i still want to say. maybe it is no you want to get .different space and stage could make diferent the life is devious to a need to change at any time.but .some thing in the life will hard to do .so must pay more attention on it. to select job. marriage etc .it is more hard when it happen ,we set some milestone in the growing period,this is can't to update .if to change it that the life angle will turn a lot.
We could design our life .and get a blue print for ourselfe in the live.we must work closely as design and no accept any update.just one heart and one aim.
Wish your successful ! Every thing come smoothly!
Success Story of Jewelry Anna Hu
13 years ago