Recently Gucci has grandly announced the launch of its new series of handbags in Gucci 2009 Fall Winter show. For the first time, Gucci has combined the rare alligator leather with its classic GG canvas/cowhide in one handbag. The Gucci handbag white leather with gold hardware large shoulder bag with single adjustable strap, detachable shoulder strap, push lock closure, hand stitching, tassels with bamboo detail, and inside zip, mobile phone, and pda pockets. 48 x 39 x 6 cm.
The Gucci 2009 Fall and Winter handbag series are in elegant styles with varied designs for women of different temperaments, and thus won the hearts of many actresses and celebrities immediately after they are released. The new collections has well combined Gucci’s classic design and rare leathers, expressed perfectly the brand’s aesthetics and fully revealed their excellent Florentine leather craft as well as the unique ideas of the brand’s creative director Frida Giannini. So whether you’re in your city shorts and cute tee or perhaps denims and a collared top or probably a city dress, this
Gucci ladies web medium Tote will surely give your overall look an added style.
The Gucci 2009 Fall/Winter collection has various shoulder bags and handbags at your choice, and for shoulder bags they all have two shoulder straps of different lengths. and inside zip and cell phone pockets, this Gucci sneaker would be a fabulous day sneaker. The classy and elegant Gucci handbags have a special place of their own in the fashion world. I say day sneaker because, due to the color of the sneaker, it’s kind of hard to make a large metallic sneaker go with an evening outfit. And tell you the tips
how to chose bags.
Gucci handbag is designed in perfectly contrasting shades to give you a choice to carry this beautiful handbag with variety of clothes. So the Gucci 2009 Fall Winter handbags collection is the work of ideas and craftsmanship.