Elearning Online Study Tips
In order for you to provide a duty of care to your patrons it is essential that you remain up-to-date with current state laws and hold the OLGR approved RSA certificate.
AOT has created the most up-to-date, visual, highly informative and entertaining RSA course available. The course is Queensland recognised and delivered as online training education allowing you to achieve your certificate today.
The Food and Beverage Short Course will provide you with:
• Knowledge of Australian and State liquor legislations and penalties
• How to identify customers to whom service should be refused
• Prepare and serve alcohol responsibly
• Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits
• Follow hygiene procedures
• Report and identify any personal health issues likely to cause a hygiene risk
• Prevent food and other item contamination
• Prevent cross contamination
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to responsibly sell or serve alcohol and to satisfy the requirements for Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) under state or territory legislation.
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